Error/ mistake: Paint chipping, finger missing, hand not fitting properly, WITHOUT base plate. Measurements: Height: 183cm, Chest: 83cm, Waist: 86cm, Hips: cm. Inspection of the goods in our warehouse from Monday to Friday from 8 a. Larger items on request. More items in stock. Tegometal shelves and accessories. We clear, dispose of and recycle your used shop fittings. ATTENTION: PRODUCT IS USED AND MAY SHOW SIGNS OF WEAR OR DIRT. Mannequinpe ITEM IS USED. 11204 Inspection of the goods in our warehouse from Monday to Friday from 8 a. Larger items on request More items in stock Tegometal shelves and accessories, Bakery, Wire products, Mannequins, Sales counters, showcases, We clear, dispose of and recycle your used shop fittings.

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