To See More Items. ERE or the Pictures Above. E B a y. Lot of 3 Mannequin Torsos Flesh Female with 3 Stands + 3 Hangers Hollow Back Body Forms. Rso body form dress form torso mannequin female body form male body form dress form MANNEQUIN TORSO. FEMALE TORSO MANNEQUIN MALE DRESS FORM BODY FORM MAN PLASTIC MANENQUIN HANGING MANNEQUIN women body form men body form. 3 QTY – FLESH FEMALE MANNEQUIN BODY FORM – HOLLOW BACK / OPEN BACK. BEAUTIFUL ACRYLIC STAND ADJUSTABLE : 19″ 38″ WITH MANNEQUIN. 3 QTY – HOOK/DOUBLE HANGER (SWIVEL) FOR HANGING TO PANTS ON. This item is a half rounded form. The measurements are from the front side only. SIZE : SMALL – MEDIUM. BODY LENGTH (BODY ONLY without HOOK) : 22.8. SHOULDER TO SHOULDER : 18.7. MATERIAL : HARD PLASTIC-DURABLE HIGH QUALITY INJECTION MOLDED. HALF ROUNDED FORM AND HOLLOW BACK (OPEN BACK). COMES WITH A DOUBLE HOOK FOR HANGING. If you’ve got question, we’ve got answers. 48 CONTINENTAL STATES ONLY. From the time the order is paid. Unless it is Friday, Saturday, or a holiday. Upon receipt of merchandise, please open all packages immediately and inspect for defects or damages. All claims must be filed within 5 days of signing for the. After 5 days you must repair or replace the product at your own expense. We understand that customer service is the backbone of our company. Please review our feedback and note that we pride ourselves to ensure that our customers receive the personal attention they deserve. Thank you so much. Mannequin torso body form dress form torso mannequin female body form male body form dress form MANNEQUIN TORSO. FEMALE TORSO MANNEQUIN MALE DRESS FORM BODY FORM MAN PLASTIC MANENQUIN HANGING MANNEQUIN women body form men b.

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